Company Information:

Aspen Environmental Consultants LLC was founded by Aaron Wechsler in May of 2006. Mr. Wechsler worked for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services for six years before going into the private sector. During this time he worked for several Land Resource Management Bureaus (Shoreland Protection, Wetlands, and Subsurface Systems) and obtained his professional licenses. Working on both sides of the land development process has given Mr. Wechsler a unique perspective on the design and permitting process in New Hampshire.

Aspen Environmental Consultants recognizes the need for both land development and conservation activities in New Hampshire. The company was founded with the idea of promoting sustainable development as a way to meet our current needs while protecting the environment around us for future generations. In many cases your project can be designed to meet all of your needs while utilizing techniques and materials that result in a significantly lower environmental impact.